All applicants for the NHBRC registration certificate are required to sit for and pass the NHBRC technical assessment exam, in order for them to be granted an NHBRC certificate.
The test consists of 25 multiple choice questions randomly selected from the 200 questions that we already have on this website which you can download at a price of R600.
We have also included a free sample version in order for you to view our content free of charge, however, we strongly urge you to obtain the PDF paid version that has all the correct answers to the multiple choice questions highlighted in green italics to all the 212 multiple choice questions contained therein.
Once you have mastered these questions as well as the correct answers in our paid PDF version, you can surely be guaranteed to pass your NHBRC technical assessment exam.
How to obtain the paid version.
To obtain the paid PDF version, please, simply go back to our home page & click on the “buy-now” button, were you will be redirected to the payments process in order for you to be able to download the paid PDF version instantly.
Alternatively, you can also whatsapp me on 0721524361 should you experience any difficulties in paying for or downloading the PDF paid version of the NHBRC technical assessment exam.
For more information on the NHBRC test, please click here to be redirected to our frequently asked questions page.